Perhaps the font of this article is different from the others because I directly write here without processing it first in Microsoft Word. Waarom? I don't know, I just want to write and think that there are some issues that I have to talk to you guys with writing in this blog. 

I feel so exhausted!
Oh ya, before I continue, I'm very-very-very sorry if my grammar is not too proper or still bad because I use no Google Translate here (sometimes when I feel blank with the vocabulary I click the translator, tho). Wait, I'll pick my mail up!
Tomorrow my college will be started and I feel still didn't believe like... OMG, is like I've just entered my kindergarten class, but now... Time passes by, with enjoying it, everything seems so beautiful. 
Next, I want to talk to you about love again because I am really in heartbreak recently. How am I? Messed. I feel my heart sliced into pieces and this makes me crying right nowwwwww....
I can't tell to you detailly because I'm worried that person will read this article and then embarrassed myself. I just want to share you if like what have Montgomery said; mengerikan sekali rasanya jika kau hanya menunggu dan tidak bisa melakukan apa pun. I've been waiting for him for years and I got the result is nothing but tears. I did, I've struggled as could as possible, give him my love; attention; etc, but still.
Still by Montgomery; kalau seseorang mencintai seseorang, seseorang itu pasti tahu kalau ia sedang dicintai. I feel it. I feel that someone love me even though I can't reply his feeling. I feel it. But, darling, sweetheart, have you ever feel my feeling or just think that I am a mere girl who you can played with? How dare you?!
Though I know that he really can't reply to my feeling or love me as big as I love him, but I still can't be moved. Fucked with first love! Damn, it makes my heart never feel so good ever since. 
I hope someday, somehow, I get someone better than this damn boy. Really, why my heart fell to the wrong person? (is he really the wrong person? I don't think so, I'm just so emotional right now).
Maybe my mood right now is caused by rainy days, dark clouds, whatever. But really, I just feel so exhausted. I want to give up, darling. I'm already. I'm giving up. I did. I gave up.


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