Sumber gambar: Pinterest

She wakes up every 5 a.m and takes her phone after. She reads books, poetry, and other fiction. She believes in magic and wonders that magic will come to her life.

She starts her day by the college. She is just a mediocre student. She never got the best score, yet the worst. She is a mediocre in mediocres.

After college, she opens her books again. Sometimes she writes the stories inside her head and sometimes she just stares at the wall. Cause she didn’t have a big window to hold the sky. Then, she just looked at the wall and talked. About her life and her problematical things.

She is an imaginer. She is a lover too but unfortunately, her prince never loves her back. When she remembers this fact, she starts crying.

Well, she is far from the typical girl that everyboy wanted. She is short, a boring nerd with glasses, not good in many things, has very big giant insecurities. Sometimes she wants to harm herself because of her fucking weakness. She want to break her body to make sure she was real. But, you can see right now, she survives. She survives because of her magical beliefs.

Magical believe she will be shine even though she is darkness itself.

Magical believe someday she will find her half.

Magical believe she will be the greatest woman in her own version.

She falls in love with books. She falls in love with the arts. She falls in love with romantic movies. And poetries. And the scent of the library. And the sounds of the forest. And herself.

She is imperfect but I love her. Maybe I hate her more often, but I do not have anyone again but her.

Wees geduldig aub.


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